Recently I did a Masterclass for @studio15 Enschede. Here’s part 1
Keys & Beats:

Three colleagues, one passion! (Sebastian Altekamp – John Hondorp – Peter Weissink)
A Long cherished wish to make music together, because we can!
An interesting combination of grand piano with the Hammond organ and drums.
A brand new trio with old and new influences. Lots of fun, open ears and ready for any adventure.
Listen to our first recordings. Come and listen to our concerts.
It’s a party to play with these wonderful musicians!
#drummer #drums #traditionalgrip #hammondorgan #grandpiano #nobassplayer #jazz #funk #fusion #instrumental #JAM #gretschdrums #istanbulagop #sebastianaltekamp #johnhondorp #peterweissink
Ofer Singer trio:
Ofer Singer: ‘Excited to announce this new project in Holland with two of the top Dutch musicians Frans Vollink (Bass) and Peter Weissink (Drums).
We recorded three tunes that I wrote just a few days before the recording session in Hotel rooms between gigs with another amazing Dutch band “Sietse Huisman Band”
The music for this project was totally fresh for all of us. Because of the tight schedule, I didn’t have the time to even practice the music.
Frans and Peter got the music so fast and so tight! Really incredible!
We made one runthrough each song and then recorded it.
This one here is the second or third take
More to come from this band in the near future!’
#drummer #drums #traditionalgrip #guitar #guitarplayer #fusionguitar #guitartrio #bassplayer #bassist #fusiontrio #jazz #funk #fusion #instrumental #JAM #gretschdrums #istanbulagop

Mark Milan Groove Experience (with guests):

Body & Soul:
Wim den Herder trio:
Nina Ebbenhout Quartet: